jueves, 20 de noviembre de 2014

Primary Year 2 - CLOTHES: our CATWALK online

Hello everybody!!

In Primary Year 2 we are studying CLOTHES, and to practise what we have learned and to develop children's digital competence with computers, it would be a great idea to create our own "CATWALK" (pasarela de moda) online on this website: http://es.padlet.com/loumaovi/catwalk

Padlet is a very good tool to create collaborative stories where everybody can participate!!!
(This activity is voluntary).

1. Please go to http://es.padlet.com/loumaovi/catwalk
2. Enter password: catwalk
3. Double-click on the wall to add a new entry.
4. Write TITLE, DESCRIPTION and add your PICTURE:
  • TITLE: "Tu nombre/Título" write your name with capital letters, example: MARÍA
  • PICTURE: Please upload a picture of you and describe what you are wearing.
  • DESCRIPTION:  "Escribe algo"
In this picture I'm in ________!
I'm wearing _____________________________________________.
Bye bye!

Enjoy it!
Thanks to all,

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